Tokenization Guide For Beginners

Kayla Mccallon

Introduction When it comes to tokenization, the terms “token” and “tokenization” get thrown around a lot. But what do they mean? In this guide, we’ll explain exactly what tokenization is and how it works. We’ll also go through the steps of how to tokenize your business model in order to […]

Augmented Reality (Ar) Definition & 15 Examples

Kayla Mccallon

Introduction Augmented reality (AR) is a type of digital technology that adds elements to our surroundings in real time, creating a more immersive experience. It can be used for games and entertainment, but it’s also being used by businesses to create better experiences with customers. The idea behind augmented reality […]

Increasing Confidence in Blockchain Networks

Kayla Mccallon

Introduction Blockchain networks have been heralded as the future of commerce, but their widespread adoption hasn’t happened yet. The main reason for that is that blockchain networks are still a work in progress, and many people still don’t trust them. However, increasing confidence in these networks can be achieved with […]

The Build-A-Bigger-Cloud-Computer Game

Kayla Mccallon

Introduction Clouds are everywhere in our lives. We use them on a regular basis, and most of us barely think about them unless something goes wrong with their internet connection or they suddenly go down. But what exactly is a cloud? How does it work? What exactly is on those […]