Introduction Edge computing is a term that’s being used more and more in the tech world. It refers to a new approach to networking that moves compute power and storage closer to where it’s needed most. The term ‘edge’ refers to both physical locations and the logical location of resources […]
Edge Computing
Inside The World Of Edge Computing And Why It Matters
Introduction Edge computing is the process of moving computation and storage closer to the source of data. The goal is to increase the amount of processing that can take place in real time, and reduce latency by reducing distance between users and IoT devices. What is Edge Computing? Edge computing […]
What Is Edge Computing & How Does It Reduce Latency
Introduction Latency is one of the most important metrics for any application. It’s an indication of how long it takes for data to travel from point A to point B and back again. You can reduce latency by moving your application closer to the user or by reducing the distance […]
What Is Edge Computing? What Are Its Advantages?
Introduction The world is changing. The way we live, work, and play has changed drastically in the last decade. We want things faster and better than ever before. And we expect that our devices will always be connected to the internet. This is why edge computing is becoming more popular—it […]
Edge Computing: The New Frontier Of Emerging Technologies
Introduction The demand for emerging technologies has never been higher. In fact, according to a recent study by Cisco, there will be 69 billion connected devices by 2022. However, this explosion in connectivity has also created challenges for organizations—namely increased data processing requirements and storage demands. The solution may lie […]
What Is Definition Of Edge Computing And What Are The Features?
Introduction Edge computing is a new way of data processing that is spreading in popularity among the modern companies. It allows for faster and more efficient processing of data, including artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Edge computing is also known as fog computing, which means “the cloud meets […]
Edge Computing: The Future Of Big Data Analytics
Introduction Modern businesses are finding that data analytics systems can help them make better decisions and improve their bottom line. Companies like Google and Facebook use many different types of data analysis to create targeted ads or improve their user experience, but what is edge computing? How does it work? […]
What It Means To Be Edge Computing
Introduction Edge computing is a new type of computing that relies on data, applications and analytics being delivered to the devices closest to the source of the data. This can be very useful in industries where you have lots of sensors sending data back to a central hub, where then […]
Edge to Cloud Solutions: What Is It?
Introduction Cloud computing has been around for decades, but it’s only recently that it’s become a standard in the world of technology. Cloud-enabled applications and services are now available to businesses to help them compete in today’s digital economy. Cloud is also a fundamental part of any modern data center […]
Understanding What Edge Computing Is All About
Introduction Edge computing is the next big thing in technology, but what is it, and how does it work? In this article we’ll explain what edge computing is and how it works. Definition of Edge Computing Edge computing is a network architecture that moves data processing and storage closer to […]