What Is Augmented Reality? How It Works And Examples Of How We Use It

Kayla Mccallon


Augmented reality is a way to enhance the natural environment by adding things to it.

What is augmented reality?

Augmented reality (AR) is a way to enhance the natural environment by adding things to it. It’s a combination of computer generated images and real world elements. The technology mixes digital information with our physical world, creating an immersive experience for users.

AR is used in many industries and becoming more popular every day because it can be used to make people’s lives easier or more interesting by providing them with relevant information when they need it most!

History of augmented reality

Augmented reality (AR) is nothing new. In fact, it’s been around for decades. But it only recently became mainstream thanks to the widespread adoption of smartphones and other mobile devices that can run AR apps and games.

In this article we’ll take a look at how AR works, what kinds of things you can do with it today and where the technology is headed in the future!

How does it work?

  • The user’s camera captures the environment.
  • The computer then processes the image and adds the virtual objects.
  • The user sees the result on their screen.

Who uses AR?

AR is used in many different industries, including retail, healthcare, entertainment and education. It can be used to enhance the user experience by adding a layer of information to the physical world.

Examples of AR in action

Augmented reality is everywhere. It’s not just a gimmick or a fad, but rather an innovative technology that has the ability to change how we live our lives in many different ways. Let’s take a look at some examples of how Augmented Reality (AR) has been used in different industries and how it can be applied in the future:

  • In education – AR allows students and teachers alike to access information remotely through their phones or tablets, making it easy for them to learn anywhere at any time. Teachers can use this technology as well as other tools like Google Classroom so they don’t have to spend hours creating lesson plans while still providing excellent experiences for students who need extra support when learning new concepts.*
  • In marketing – Companies have begun using AR as part of their marketing campaigns by placing virtual messages on top of real-world objects such as billboards or signs outside stores.*

Augmented reality is a way to enhance the natural environment by adding things to it.

Augmented reality is a way to enhance the natural environment by adding things to it. AR is a type of technology that overlays digital information on top of the real world. It’s similar to virtual reality, except that instead of creating an entirely new digital experience, AR enhances what’s already there by overlaying it with computer-generated imagery (CGI).

Augmented reality uses different types of sensors in order to detect where objects are and identify them so they can be used as part of an AR experience. For example, if you use your camera app on your smartphone or tablet device and point it at something nearby–like your dog–the app will use facial recognition software so that when you take a picture with this feature turned on, he’ll appear in front of whatever background scene is behind him (usually just plain white).


In conclusion, augmented reality is a way to enhance the natural environment by adding things to it. It’s not just for fun or entertainment – it can also be used in serious applications like medicine and education. There are many different types of AR out there which all have different uses but they all have one thing in common: they make life better!

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