Introduction The blockchain is a strange and magical thing. It’s a decentralized system where participants maintain their own copy of the ledger, creating trust between peers without requiring any third-party verification. And the best part: it’s completely transparent! Anyone can see what transactions are taking place on your network at […]
Blockchain Technology
How Cryptography Works In Blockchain (An Overview)
Introduction For the uninitiated, blockchain is a distributed ledger that’s been gaining popularity for over a decade. It’s the technology that powers cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but it has far more uses than just digital money. In fact, it has the potential to revolutionize everything from voting systems to supply chains […]
Understanding Cryptography In Blockchain
Introduction Cryptography is the art and science of securing information by encoding it in a form that’s difficult to crack. It’s a mathematical function used to transform a message into an encrypted message, called ciphertext, which can only be decoded by someone who knows how the code works. Cryptography uses […]
Blockchain Performance: What you’ll find in this article (Part 1)
Introduction The blockchain is a technology that has the potential to disrupt many industries and change how we do business. Its decentralized, trustless nature makes it ideal for storing public data like cryptocurrency transactions or recorded legal documents. While there are still some issues that need to be solved before […]
How To Build A Blockchain Network That Doesn’t Suck
Introduction Oh, the blockchain. The technology that will change everything. The future of business and government. Every day, I see another “blockchain for X” article on my Facebook feed. Most of them are just nonsense—some combination of buzzwords and marketing speak about how the technology will revolutionize some industry or […]
How Does Blockchain Work And Why Does It Matter?
Introduction The blockchain is a new way to think about managing data and transactions. It’s a public ledger that records every transaction ever made on it; this makes the blockchain transparent, secure, and hard to tamper with. What is blockchain? Blockchain is a shared database, or ledger, that’s stored on […]
How Edge Computing Reduces Latency In Connected Vehicle
Introduction As cars become more connected, they’re also becoming smarter. You’ll see more sensors and processors in every vehicle, which means that there’s a lot of data being generated by these machines. Once this data is gathered and stored, it has to be processed quickly before it gets lost or […]
What Is The Blockchain? (And How Does It Work?)
Introduction Blockchain is a secure way to store information. It’s a digital ledger that records and verifies transactions, making it possible for anyone with an internet connection to verify them. This means that blockchain technology could eliminate the need for third-party intermediaries like banks or government agencies, which would make […]
Cryptography – White Paper On Blockchain Technology
Introduction Blockchain is a form of digital database that can be used to store transactions, records and other data in a manner that makes them secure from tampering and revision. Using cryptography, blockchain technology allows users to conduct secure transactions with each other without the need for a third-party intermediary. […]
Tokenization Explained. What It Is & How It Works
Introduction Tokenization is a process by which the value of a physical asset or financial instrument is represented by a digital token. The token can then be used as an alternative medium for making payments, redeeming rewards and accessing services. What is tokenization? Tokenization is the process of converting rights […]