Edge Computing Basics For The Internet Of Things

Kayla Mccallon


Edge computing is the future of the internet of things (IoT) and will help us all live better lives. The technology has been around for quite some time but has only recently started to gain mainstream attention. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about edge computing basics and how they’ll affect your life in the years to come.

Edge computing is a new type of computing architecture in which applications, services and data are processed close to the source.

Edge computing is a new type of computing architecture in which applications, services and data are processed close to the source. This means that you’re able to store your data closer to where it’s being used, making it easier for you to access it when needed.

Edge computing also allows for more efficient use of resources by eliminating unnecessary traffic between devices and central servers. This can help reduce latency issues that occur with cloud-based solutions because there’s no need for all data traffic going through one location before reaching its destination; instead, each device communicates directly with other nearby devices on its network or internet connection (if available).

The term edge computing is a broad one that encompasses a variety of technologies and architectures, including fog computing.

Edge computing is a broad term that encompasses a variety of technologies and architectures, including fog computing. Fog computing is a cloud-like architecture that sits between the cloud and the IoT device. It has been described as “the next generation of cloud computing” or “a hybrid between cloud and edge.”

Fog Computing Architecture

There are many reasons why you may want to use edge computing instead of centralized cloud services.

You may want to use edge computing instead of centralized cloud services for a number of reasons:

  • Cost. Edge computing is often less expensive than using centralized cloud services, because it reduces the amount of data that has to be transmitted over the internet.
  • Bandwidth. In some cases, it’s not possible or practical for many devices in an IoT system to connect directly with each other or with their owners or operators. If you need this connectivity, then edge computing can help you save money by avoiding long-distance calls across networks and reducing traffic congestion on your local network.
  • Location privacy and security are also important considerations when choosing between centralized vs distributed approaches for your IoT system design–especially if you’re storing sensitive information about customers’ location data on centralized servers!

You can benefit from edge computing in several ways, including lower costs and faster response times.

You can benefit from edge computing in several ways, including lower costs and faster response times. Lower costs: Because you don’t need servers located in the cloud, you’ll save on hosting fees. Faster response times: By reducing latency between your devices and their data centers, edge computing helps make sure that your IoT products respond quickly to changing conditions (and can even predict them). Increased security: Since data is stored locally on each device instead of being sent over the internet, it’s much harder for hackers to access sensitive information–and even if they do get into one of your devices’ memory banks or hard drives, it won’t have any impact on any other part of your network. Reduced latency: When combined with cloud storage solutions like Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage (GCS), edge computing means that there are fewer steps between uploading new information from an IoT sensor device onto GCS/S3 before it becomes available for use elsewhere within an application stack such as analytics software running at scale within an enterprise’s private data center environment.”

The key to making your IoT project successful with edge computing is to identify the right application for this technology and understand how it works.

Understanding the key concepts of edge computing is not enough. You also have to understand how it works and where it fits into your IoT project.

The first step toward making your IoT project successful with edge computing is to identify the right application for this technology and understand how it works. Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to consider several other factors when determining whether or not an edge computing solution makes sense:

  • Understand the use case – What do you want to accomplish? What problem are you trying to solve? Is there a better way than using an edge computing architecture?
  • Understand the technology – What type of hardware will be used in conjunction with your software (or vice versa)? How much does each component cost, both up front and over time; what kind of maintenance costs might arise from using them; what level of expertise do these components require from people working on them; etcetera…

Edge computing is an important emerging technology that will make all our lives easier in the future

Edge computing is an important emerging technology that will make all our lives easier in the future. It’s a broad term that encompasses a variety of technologies and architectures, but it can be summarized as follows:

  • Edge computing is a new type of computing architecture, where data is processed close to its source (the edge). This means that instead of sending all your data back to central servers and waiting for them to process it there before sending it back out again, you can just process it at the location where it was collected. This makes everything faster–no more waiting around while someone else does all the work!
  • Edge computing also allows real-time processing–so if something happens on your smartphone right now, then you’ll know about it immediately rather than having to wait until tomorrow morning when someone wakes up at their desk in Silicon Valley and checks their emails again so they can tell everyone else what happened yesterday afternoon…


Edge computing is an important emerging technology that will make all our lives easier in the future. It can help us solve some of the biggest problems facing society today, including climate change and healthcare access. If you want to get involved with edge computing but don’t know where to start, we recommend reading this blog post!

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