The Benefits Of Edge Computing

Kayla Mccallon

Introduction The edge of what? I hear you asking. The edge of the network, of course! Although it may sound like a weird term to describe a new technology, edge computing is all about moving away from centralized data centers that handle all processing and instead moving toward distributed models […]

All You Need to Know About Blockchain

Kayla Mccallon

Introduction When you think of blockchain, what do you see? A bunch of colorful lines on a screen? A constantly changing set of numbers? An expensive investment that only the wealthy can afford? Not quite. Blockchain is all those things, but it’s also so much more. It’s a technology that […]

Blockchain And Cryptography Primer — Part 1

Kayla Mccallon

Introduction Blockchain is revolutionary in many ways: it’s massively scalable, completely decentralized and can be used to transfer value between parties. However, blockchains are meaningless without cryptography. In this first article of our series on the relationship between blockchain and cryptography, we’ll explore what both technologies are and how they […]

The EOS blockchain is finally online

Kayla Mccallon

Introduction The EOS blockchain is finally online, after a long and arduous road. The mainnet launch has been in the works since June 2018 and was originally planned to go live on January 1st of this year. However, due to security vulnerabilities found in the code, developers were forced to […]